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TimeRec Management System

Web Application Web Application

Project Description:

This project is to build a backstage management system for managing Timerec software services, analyze and visualize data from database.

The Full Stack Architecture

A low-coupling system built using Java Spring MVC + MyBatis Framework:

Front-end is developed using Vue.js with Element-ui and Apache Echarts.

Back-end REST API’s in Java microservice architecture: Spring MVC + MyBatis, MySQL,
Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR3, OAuth2

The system has the following characteristics

  • Front-end and back-end separation architecture, client and server pure Token interaction;
  • The authentication server is separated from the resource server to facilitate access to its own microservice system;
  • Microservice protection, the resources requested by the client can only be obtained through the microservice gateway;
  • Integrate Spring Boot Admin to monitor microservices in multiple dimensions;
  • Integrate Nacos service governance and centralized configuration management;
  • The gateway integrates Sentinel flow control;
  • Front-end and back-end request parameter verification, Excel import and export, code generator.
  • Using MyBatis instead of JDBC to access MySQL databases with quartz automatic scheduling analysis data in the server and integrate Apache Echart for data visulisation